
Jan. 12, 2022

Robotics In Japan - An Industrious and Humble Country

Did you know that robotics and technology are huge industries in Japan? Seldom do. With all the talk about China's technology, the metaverse, technocracy, and artificial intelligence taking over, we have hardly batted an eye at Japan's robotic and...
Dec. 25, 2021

Krampus - A Scary Christmas Folklore Creature - Holiday Series

Merry Christmas! On this episode I talk about the Austrian/German mythical devil that is "Krampus". He visits children (and some adults) in December prior to Christmas as a reminder to be nice. It's actually more like a threat! There is the belief...
Dec. 20, 2021

A Catskills Christmas Tale - Holiday Series

In this episode I tell a Christmas story of my very own about going to upstate New York in the wintery holiday season to be with my dear friends in a German-style resort area.  It's true! In 2007 I started going upstate to spend the holiday season...
Dec. 10, 2021

Metaverse - Artificial And Augmented Reality Are Coming For You!

What is the "Metaverse"? What can I say? There are so many concepts to think about when we want to answer the question. “Singularity”, “Transhumanism”, and the “Metaverse” are some of the hot button words that describe the next era in our reality. Or...
Nov. 29, 2021

We Are Exactly The Same - Is This A World Gone Mad - Must Listen!

What is it like to be the same as everyone else? We will hopefully never find out but being the same seems more and more likely as time ticks on. The future of humanity does seem to be going toward a futuristic, technocratic society. And that ought to...
Nov. 3, 2021

Freedom Of Speech - What It Means For You - Must Listen!

The first amendment. We all have these wonderful rights but do you know what all of these rights entail? There are five rights in this great, and all-important, first amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom to assemble (protest) peaceably, freedom of...
Oct. 11, 2021

Are You Ready For The Internet of All Things? - It's All About YOU

Have you heard of the "Internet of Things"? The "Internet of Behavior", the "Internet of Everything"? The "Internet of All Things"? No. Neither had I but, as I was sitting quietly on a Sunday afternoon there it was... the article on the "Internet of...
Oct. 2, 2021

Technocracy 101 - The Future Is Now

What is technocracy? What is a technocrat? It's technology on steroids and much more than that. The individuals that make up the elite world of technocracy are very special. And they call themselves technocrats. They really do know what's best for...
Sept. 13, 2021

America's Shadow Government

What is a "Shadow Government"? That is the topic this week on Truth Detective. As some would say, it's very complicated. And it really is! The concept of a shadow government involves many deep, dark, and perhaps, sinister secrets that are invisible to...
Sept. 8, 2021

Orwellian "1984"-Style Group-Think

Do you belong to a group of like-minded individuals? Maybe, perhaps, it's a club that is enlightening and fun? That can be great. A Jeep Wrangler group is fantastic for me but no matter who you are or where you live there's a group of like-minded...
Sept. 1, 2021

We Are Being Brainwashed - Truth Bomb

Do you believe you're being brainwashed? Nowadays, I think we all are in one way or another. But not to worry. Your Truth Detective is on the case. Learn with me how to know when you may be vulnerable to brainwashing. The steps to brainwashing are not...
Aug. 23, 2021

Totalitarian Society And The Freedoms We Have

Totalitarian regimes. What a disheartening, demoralizing, and hard way to live. Starvation, lack of work, and the persecution of anyone who protests are what life is like for these unfortunate people. The leaders of these countries (I use North Korea...
Aug. 16, 2021

What Is Critical Race Theory - Division And Seperation Of A Nation

Critical race theory is coming to a country near you. Well, not really because it's actually here right now. It's a sad realization. It will divide and do its very best to conquer. And it doesn't have a happy ending. Quite the contrary. There is no...
Aug. 9, 2021

The Truth And The "Big Lie" - Know What You're Being Told

Do you know what the "Big Lie" is? So many people don't know or have never heard about the "Big Lie". But it's all around us. And it's been around since the 1930s. Simply put, the "Big Lie" is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth....
Aug. 1, 2021

Truth Detective Promo - Question Everything

Hey, this is Stephanie Lee from Talk, Tales, and Trivia and Growing Uncomfortable podcasts. Did you know that I am a researcher, an aspiring private investigator, and a purveyor of truth? As I watch culture, society, the nation, and the world rapidly...
July 29, 2021

Intermittent Fasting = With Keto - Healthy Lifestyle

On this episode, I am talking about the best way to have healthy eating and an organic lifestyle. We are going to merge together the keto diet from the last episode and now, in this episode, I am bringing in intermittent fasting.  It's the very basic...
July 18, 2021

Going Keto = Healthy Organic Eating With Tons Of Benefits

Do you know what keto means? It's not a new thing... it has more than just a few elements to it that have been around forever but it was in the 1990's it came into popularity.  Learn the facts and benefits of converting to a healthy organic...
June 16, 2021

Sugar = Bad - Sugary Habits - Eating Better, Living Longer

Do you love sugar, sugary sweets, and grain-based, sugary carbs? Of course, you do. Who doesn't? Get a little more information about this sugary, addictive substance that's just as bad and addictive as any drug. Listen to my true tale about my...
May 19, 2021

Go Outside In The Sun - Listen NOW!

Have you been getting enough sun in your life lately? I would bet probably not as much as you normally would but that's going to change after this episode because I talk about the benefits of the golden sun. The sun will nourish you on all fronts....
May 12, 2021

Van Life - On Being A Van-Dweller - Who Is It For?

Have you ever wondered about living in a van? No? Well, if the van life is not for you that's okay. Truly, it's not everyone's cup of tea.  In this episode, I start by talking about the Oscar-winning new movie, Nomadland. The movie is about Fern who...
April 28, 2021

Live In A Place Of Beauty - Do It NOW!

Well, finally it is spring. I don't know about you but this is exciting news to me. Here I talk about hope and enjoyment. It is in my opinion that mostly all of us can't wait to get outside, be with the people, eat together, go to the beach together,...
April 7, 2021

Turning Passion Into Action - Educate And Inspire

If we lived a perfect life with all our needs met there would be no problem. Right? Well, some of us have not been as lucky as you or me.  In this episode, I talk about one great organization that helped me in my time of need. Yes, indeed, The...
March 24, 2021

Let's Have Coffee! The Perfect Beverage

Do you love coffee like I do? If not, you most likely have a family member, friend or co-worker who loves coffee and the smell of that indulgent and fresly made brew. If trivia is for you then perhaps you'll want to share this episode. There's a lot...
March 17, 2021

Have We Shifted? - Our Buying Power Before And During Covid-19

Are you wondering about America's buying power before the pandemic vs during the pandemic? I've been wondering so I've done some research about how we all spend our time and money. Is it rational? It's very telling to see what exactly we were...