
Dec. 25, 2023

Day 5 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Smart City Christmas

Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 5 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Smart City...
Dec. 23, 2023

Day 4 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - An Alien Christmas

Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 4 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. An Alien...
Dec. 22, 2023

Day 3 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Very Merry Christmas

Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 3 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Very Merry...
Dec. 21, 2023

Day 2 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Christmas Wedding

Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 2 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Christmas...
Dec. 20, 2023

Day 1 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - The Rebels of Christmas

Sit down around your Christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 1 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. The Rebels...
Dec. 13, 2023

A Big Secret Society

This episode is about the Committee of 300 and the Club of Rome. Nobody is supposed to know about these two secret societies, but we are starting to figure out the secrets and how they impact our lives.  I utilize the book, Conspirators Hierarchy -...
Aug. 8, 2023

We Suspected That's What "They" Were Doing - Vindication

Depopulation, Anyone? IMPORTANT EPISODE! "They" are not nice people. It's true. It's upsetting. It's disgusting. Do you mean to tell me everything I've seen in the past 50+ years has been a lie? Yes.   Through some very dedicated and key people, we...
July 25, 2023

The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English Language

This episode is a video-cast and will be out soon. In the meantime, here is the edited version of the video as a audio podcast episode. Keep your eyes peeled for the video and more links in the show notes. The episode has a recurring theme with four...
June 24, 2023

Algorithms and AI - Yuval Noah Harari

In this episode, I talk about artificial intelligence and the use of algorithms in today's brave new world (domination) of the 21st Century. And we are all going to have to be brave. Big things are about to go down. Silicon Valley high-powered...
May 13, 2023

Who Is the WHO? A Demonic and Evil Agenda

What is the World Health Organization? If you're thinking this must be an organization that does great and humanitarian projects for the world then you will be disappointed. This is an episode that you don't want to miss... you can't afford to miss it...
April 20, 2023

These Globalists Are Creepy AF!

George Soros is another guy from the World Economic Forum that is just as creepy as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari. They all have influence, power, and money and are not even a little bit afraid of the consequences that they may be...
Feb. 1, 2023

Evil Fascist Plans for Our Future By Global Elitists - Davos, 2023

This episode is about the World Economic Forum's members who attend the big meeting in Davos, Switzerland every January. This year it became clear that there is still a high level of hypocrisy among the members and the elitists.  There are open...
Jan. 13, 2023

Will You Live In A 15-Minute City? You Might Not Have A Choice

The World Economic Forum and its Great Reset is making the 15-Minute City a scary reality. It's rolling out totalitarian rules in cities regarding climate change "alarmism' with the trial run starting in Oxford, England in January 2024 and then moving...
Dec. 9, 2022

Will Elon Own Everything? Unedited Video To Audio Version

Does Elon own everything? No. But he owns a lot of stuff... including Twitter... free speech, anyone? I discuss my thoughts on the Twitter files, Elon's other ventures, and that he believes there's a possibility that we might be living in a...
Nov. 29, 2022

Evil Is At Your Doorstep - Don't Let It In - Listen NOW!

This episode picks up where the last one left off. I am talking about the World Economic Forum and "The Great Reset". What a concept.  What do you get when you put a whole bunch of unelected elites, unelected bureaucrats, and high-end globalists in...
Oct. 29, 2022

The Globalists And Elites Are Coming For You - Listen To This!

This is an episode with some very important research in it. And it involves each and every one of us. I have been diving deep to get you started on your research. And I have left you the links and information I used so that you can go down that rabbit...
Sept. 8, 2022

Podcast Movement Kerfuffle - Free And Dissenting Speech

My favorite part of the constitution is the first amendment which our freedom of speech is written about. Without this precious amendment, we wouldn't have the right to speak, share thoughts, and ideas, write books, make movies and art, or anything...
Aug. 21, 2022

Being Woke - What Does It Mean?

In this episode, there is a "Trigger Warning". I break down what "Being Woke" and "Woke-ism" is. In today's culture and in the past it definitely has a meaning.  Social justice, cancel culture, and intersectionality are discussed as being close...
Aug. 7, 2022

The Carbon Footprint - What Is It? What Does It Mean For You?

In this week’s episode, I look at the carbon footprint and what it means. Did you know that everything you do every day can be calculated and given a number as to the carbon emissions you put out into the atmosphere? I will also give you the facts...
July 5, 2022

The Winner Is Johnny Depp - And How Social Media Played A Role

In this episode, my topic is the 6-week Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial. Although some listeners may not find this interesting or important, everything about this trial is critical. Domestic violence stops all the victims from being a...
May 13, 2022

Ministry of Truth Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

If you haven't read the book, 1984 by George Orwell, maybe you ought to really soon. We have a new group at the Department of Homeland Security. The administration is having a tough time deciding on a title... is it the Governance of Truth......
April 8, 2022

I Was Canceled - Here's What I Learned From It

Yes. I got canceled off of twitter two years ago. And worse... I don't even know what I did. It had to be pretty major but I am still waiting for their answer.  Here on this episode I talk about "Cancel Culture" and who does it and how wrong and...
Feb. 16, 2022

The Earth is Flat and Birds Aren't Real - Curious? Listen NOW!

In this episode I am talking about the nature of the conspiracy theory. I think the actual word "conspiracy" is negative. So I'm trying to substitute that word with the more positive word "curiosity". I will start by giving the definition of the good...
Jan. 25, 2022

Beijing Winter "Genocide" Olympics 2022 - Fact!

February 4th is the date... mark it in your calendar. The day that the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 officially begins. All the athletes are ready. The olympic village has been built along with the areas where the different winter sports will take...