
Aug. 10, 2019

What Is Success For You? I Bet It’s Different Than It is For Me :-)

In this episode I talk about success. What do you think is success? Success is different for every person…E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y….it’s true! We are all unique and as many times as we acknowledge this we do forget that your perception of success is not my...
July 31, 2019

How Do You See Yourself? How Do You Want To Be Seen?

What Do You See In The Mirror? And How Do You Want Everybody To See You? Below there is a side by side picture of me before and after FaceApp Hollywood-style make-up. In these pics below there are four images that are completely natural and four...
July 17, 2019

What Is Your Decision?

Ahhh…decisions, decisions, decisions. In this episode I pick up where I last left off in the previous episode. And this time I find out that I have a decision to make. This may seem like an easy decision but it wasn’t. And it is applicable to...
July 10, 2019

Searching New Orleans For Trent Reznor - NIN

In this episode I tell a story that happened in the late 1990’s when I was working at a trade show company in marketing. Although the story itself is not pivotal or life-changing, it is a fun memory for me. This episode does have a few lessons that I...
July 3, 2019

Intangible, Inner Workings Of Your Personality And Brand – Part 2

“Personality, that magnetic and mysterious something that is easy to recognize but difficult to define, is not so much something that is acquired from without, as it is something that is “released” from within.” – Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics On...
June 26, 2019

Tangible Things Show Everyone Your Personality – Part 1

*This is part 1 of a 2-part series. So in this episode I scratch the surface of this one unique thing that we all have. In the next episode I will expand on this.* In this episode I explore some things that you love about you and are physically,...
June 19, 2019

*WARNING* A Cautionary Tale – Use This “One Thing”

In this episode I have a story that, perhaps, if you haven’t lived the experience (and I hope you haven’t) then maybe you have witnessed the uncomfortable feeling of seeing a friend or someone else being out of control in this particular way. It’s...
June 12, 2019

Alone On The Train – NY To Atlanta

I love this episode. I tell the story about how I traveled alone by train from New York to Atlanta after I graduated from high school. Was it successful? Did I learn anything? Can you learn anything from my mishaps? Well…you’ll have to listen to find...
June 5, 2019

Traveling Alone – It Can Be Done And I’ll Show You How

In this episode I tell a story about how I got out of my comfort zone and traveled ALONE to someplace I really wanted to be.  And, no, I’m not going to tell you where. You have to listen to this episode to find out. BUT I’m here to tell you that…it...
May 23, 2019

The Law of Polarity – Opposite Day

Understanding all of the Great Natural Laws of the Universe are very important and in this episode I challenge you to use one of these laws to really make an impact on your daily life. The Law of Polarity IS the Law of Opposites. Try (with purpose) to...
May 15, 2019

Public Speaking And Confidence – An Interview With Colleen Aynn

Colleen Aynn is a Public Speaking Coach / International Best-Selling Children’s Book Author / Singer and song writer with 30+ years of experience on stages all over the world. In this episode I interview Colleen Aynn and get some very good tips and...
May 8, 2019

My Introduction To A Rock Legend

In 1978 I went from a carefree kid living in suburbia to a 13 year-old kid living at a boarding school about an hour away from my cozy home. While I didn’t like the boarding school experience very much, there was one exciting, wonderful, and...
May 1, 2019

My Podcast Movement Speaking Gig Backstory

Back in August of 2016 I started my first podcast, Talk, Tales and Trivia. Although I was doing the podcast because I loved this new medium I had discovered, I was also using it as a learning experience. I put all my energy into that podcast so I...
April 24, 2019

Weighty Issues – With Emily Prokop Of Hate To Weight podcast

On this episode I have the extreme pleasure of speaking to Emily Prokop of the Hate To Weight podcast. We talk about what it's like to be comfortably uncomfortable while dieting...ummm...eating differently. Tips and recommendations are on this menu as...
April 17, 2019

My Complete Raw And Real Backstory

It's not an easy thing to talk about but here I go. A very comfortably uncomfortable raw and real backstory. Get a taste of what it is really like to come to grips with something that is not easy to talk about. It IS a very hard thing to talk...
March 19, 2019

How I Began Podcasting – The Backstory

In this short episode I tell you a little about my backstory and how I began to podcast. Let me ask you…are you settling for a career path or a position for work that you’re not very good at? That’s what I did. I knew customer service, retail, and...
Feb. 25, 2019

Let’s Begin By Getting Comfortably Uncomfortable Trailer

I am embarking on a new challenge. The challenge is to be comfortably uncomfortable. This is a podcast but also a chance to change the way of thinking about being uncomfortable. I want you to join me weekly in becoming Comfortably Uncomfortable. It’s...