
June 23, 2021

The Three-Prong Process - Make Your Desires Turn Into Results

Have you ever had a dream or desire and have no idea how to start or make it a reality and how to get those results you want? I know I have and it is frustrating. It is discouraging. And it is darn right crippling. You are fearful and don't even know...
June 9, 2021

Are You Stoic? - Everyone Needs A "Stoic Toolbox" - Learn How

Are you unemotional, indifferent, and resigned to individuals that have conversations with you? Are you unfettered and calm when things don't happen the way you think they should? If you answered yes to both questions then congratulations! That's...
May 24, 2021

Stop Asking Others What You Should Do - Listen To Yourself Instead

Do you listen to other people when you have a choice to make? Most of the time we feel we must get approval or get someone's opinion before we can move ahead with our actions whether it be a new job, sending your son or daughter to a private school,...
April 19, 2021

Forget That Old Feeling - You've Got A Lot Of Living To Do

Do you feel old or are you uncomfortable with getting older? You are not the only one. Maybe you have thought about a new career, or becoming an entrepreneur when you are older. Whatever that thing is, you deserve it and you are worthy. You are your...
April 5, 2021

Have A Super-Sonic Reason Behind Every Decision - NOW!

After telling a friend about your decision to do something, have you ever had that person ask you what was the reason for that decision? Of course. We all have. Did you know that you make your decisions based on your reasoning skills? It's true....
March 10, 2021

You Can Think And Grow Rich - Listen Now To Find Out How

Have you ever heard of the book, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill? Well, you're about to. It is THE book to read if you want to get self-help and learn enlightening lessons on how to open your mind to a new way of thinking. Perhaps, a way you...
Feb. 24, 2021

Every Day In Every Way - The "Coué Method"

Who is Emil Coué? Great Question. It was in 1922 that the small book, "Self-Mastery Through Conscious Auto Suggestion" was published 1922. And Emil Coué made a name for himself. Learn about the "Coué Method" and famous phrase (also known as the mantra...
Feb. 22, 2021

Abe Lincoln Never Gave Up & Was "Enough" - And You Are Too!

We all have heard of the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. Right? But did you know that good ol' Abe had plenty of challenges and defeats in his life? It's true. By all accounts, he should have given up and had every right to. No one really believed in...
Feb. 10, 2021

The Great "Power Of Three" - And How It Works For You

Have you ever heard of the "Power of Three"? It IS truly very powerful and may just be the thing you need to get you going on the way to achieving what you truly want and deserve. With plenty of examples of this great "Power of Three", I will guide...
Feb. 1, 2021

Use The "Tapping" Technique To Feel So Good

Have you ever heard of the technique of "Tapping"? If not, you will understand the basic premise behind this rather unique and cool concept. If done correctly, "Tapping" will help you with so many issues that are causing you undue stress.  There are...
Jan. 13, 2021

The Butterfly Effect - It's Working Whether You Know It Or Not - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 7!

The Butterfly Effect is something you live with every day whether you know it or not. Here's the truth. Everything you have ever done has, in turn, affected another person AND to a larger degree, everybody everywhere! Here's a great explanation of...
Jan. 12, 2021

Be "That Person" For Someone- Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 6

Be "that person" for someone that needs you. Yes. So you are having a bad day. You're in a bad mood and life doesn't seem to be going so well. But did you stop and think that someone else could be having it much worse than you. It's true!  Breathe and...
Jan. 11, 2021

There Is A Happy Place For You With Gratitude - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 5

Are you grateful for today? Some people say that being grateful is so difficult right now. But don't give up.   Yes. With a little work, being grateful will, indeed, put you in your happy place. And it is so worth it! Plus the seven episodes in seven...
Jan. 8, 2021

Get Off Of Social Media And The Internet For A Day - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 4

Turn it off! The social media platforms, the mainstream media, the internet, Netflix...everything...for one day! Just one day. Certainly, it's not asking too much. And there are so many other activities that you are missing out on.  Be a bit...
Jan. 7, 2021

Colors And Your Mood - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 3

In these challenging times in the United States and the whole world, we all need to "Give Peace A Chance." as John Lennon said. But it's so hard to give peace and chance when you feel defeated, worn out, and tired of the circumstances. There's no use...
Jan. 6, 2021

The Law Of Reverse Effort - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 2

The Law of Reverse Effort is so easy it's ridiculous! I will give you the meaning of this great law and how you can use it to your advantage. If you can implement this law by simply "Taking it easy" then you've got it made in the shade. Listen all the...
Jan. 5, 2021

Being Popular Vs. Doing What's Right - Seven Episodes In Seven Days - 1

Is being popular important to you? Or is doing what's right important to you? The difference between the two can make or break your success. If you think about it in terms of achieving your goals and dreams then you will be happy to hear that you can...
Dec. 18, 2020

Be Persistent NOW! DO IT! - You Won't Ever Regret It

Do you have persistence? I'm sure way deep down inside there is persistence even if you don't think so. It's the "something" so exciting that it gets you out of bed in the morning. If you want it, you can have it. Yes. It takes determination and...
Dec. 8, 2020

Get A Utopian, Euphoric Life Right NOW - It's Easier Than You Think

Do you want to live on "The Island of Utopia"? Well, you might after this episode. By way of doing this daily activity, it is almost certain you can be on your way to achieving that dream, desire, or goal. By doing things in a euphoric, happy,...
Nov. 18, 2020

Good Habits vs. Bad Habits - You Can't Change Anyone Except Yourself

Everybody has a couple of bad habits or lives with someone that does. But what's a bad habit to one person may not be so bad to another person. If it's a close family member that "needs correcting" of this said bad habit it's a hard task to change...
Nov. 10, 2020

Your Own Physical, Emotional, And Mental Space

Everybody needs a space of their own. It's important physically and mentally. Whether it be a small room, a home office, or something very creative like a nook in the basement of your house, it is so fantastic.  In three examples and a little helpful...
Oct. 11, 2020

Homeless and Desperate? - What Do You Do? Listen NOW!

Are you faced with a desperate homeless situation? Are you worried about the lack of a job and the lack of income to take care of you and your family? Find out some enlightening information and how to combat the sick and ill-feeling that comes along...
Sept. 21, 2020

Your Personal (Social Media) Responsibility In Today's World - Listen NOW!

Are you taking personal responsibility for your own life in this age of immense social media hitting you over the head all the time?  Find out how this tumultuous world we are experiencing now is so very different than the horrifying world we were...
Sept. 1, 2020

Mindfulness - Use Your Five Senses To Be Calm Right NOW!

Are you going to let others influence the way you feel? Don't! Get calm and relaxed by being mindful. And the best thing about it is you have everything within you to be mindful just by knowing how to do this easy exercise for only 20 minutes a day....