Episode 22 - Wishing You Have A N.E.A.T. Christmas Merry Christmas to all! Stephanie is extremely excited this week and for good reason. It is Christmas and there's much to celebrate. The Christmas music, the beautiful decorations, the presents and...
Episode 22 - Wishing You Have A N.E.A.T. Christmas Merry Christmas to all! Stephanie is extremely excited this week and for good reason. It is Christmas and there's much to celebrate. The Christmas music, the beautiful decorations, the presents and all that delicious food (especially sweets) which, as it turns out, Stephanie can not say no to. And why even try?! It only happens once a year and Stephanie has a solution anyway. So listen up. N.E.A.T. is the acronym mostly used around her home and here at the production studio. YES! Finally something we can all do this time of year that won't completely stress us out...something we barely even need to think about at all because it comes so natural to us. Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - Yes...hard to say so just use that good 'ol acronym...N.E.A.T. Fidget, pace, stand, reach, gesture, make that extra, but needed, trip to the mall and you've got the idea behind N.E.A.T. So you absolutely know what to do by now...get that hot cup of tea, or perhaps cocoa, and settle in but this time turn your head from side to side, pet your cat, who we know is on your lap and fidget every once in awhile. Ahhh, now you've got the hang of it! You're doing your N.E.A.T. for the day and you know it feels good! Yes it does! Remember the Christmas Contest! Questions are found in episode 20. CONTEST RULES You must answer all three of the questions that are in this episode correctly (the answers can be found in past holiday episodes) AND write a review on iTunes to be eligible to win one of the three prizes in our RANDOM drawing. Please submit your answers to the questions and the name you used for the iTunes review BY DEC. 23, 2016 to our email address: talktalesandtrivia@gmail.com That's it! Easy-Peezy! Good Luck!
Visit our website:
http://www.talktalesandtrivia.com/ *Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below:
Cartoonr page on fiverr.com *Intro/End music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Added music is "Santa Claus 2" by People Like Us
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