May 13, 2023

Who Is the WHO? A Demonic and Evil Agenda

Who Is the WHO? A Demonic and Evil Agenda

What is the World Health Organization? If you're thinking this must be an organization that does great and humanitarian projects for the world then you will be disappointed. This is an episode that you don't want to miss... you can't afford to miss it...

What is the World Health Organization? If you're thinking this must be an organization that does great and humanitarian projects for the world then you will be disappointed. This is an episode that you don't want to miss... you can't afford to miss it because your very life, your children's lives, and your grandchildren's lives may very well depend on it! I am not being hyperbolic here! With lots of audio clips from influential people within the political, and scientific fields this episode is one you will want to share.  DON'T MISS 'CREEPY BILL GATES STRIKES AGAIN' AT TIMESTAMP 33:00. I expose him for the twisted creep he really is.  Links used in this episode (more to come): World Health Regulations (IHR) Overview – WHO website: Connecting the agenda website - Connecting the Rockefellers to the United Nations (article):  Naomi Wolf on the Stephen Bannon/Warroom show –(video)   100 Reasons to stop the WHO (video):  WHO IHR (“Pandemic Treaty”) pdf:   ‘Who Are the Rockefellers and How Much Power Do They Have?’ (video) - On the Henry Makow website there is an article that is entitled, ‘Feminism is a Depopulation Program’ although written in 2002 it still speaks to the world we live in today (article):  The ”Big Catch-Up” – Chelsea Clinton – vaccine program – (article):  Washington Standard – Way Back Archives (article) - Because The People Have Not Dealt With Criminal Globalists, We Are Now Entering The Kill Phase Of The Great Reset (article): Washington Standard - Wayback Machine - Because The People Have Not Dealt With Criminal Globalists, We Are Now Entering The Kill Phase Of The Great Reset   Henry Makow website - Feminism is a Depopulation Program (article): Maria Zeee interviewing Dr. Rima Laibow on WHO and the International Health Regulations:  Prevent...