Critical race theory is coming to a country near you. Well, not really because it's actually here right now. It's a sad realization. It will divide and do its very best to conquer. And it doesn't have a happy ending. Quite the contrary. There is no...
Critical race theory is coming to a country near you. Well, not really because it's actually here right now. It's a sad realization. It will divide and do its very best to conquer. And it doesn't have a happy ending. Quite the contrary. There is no happy ending in the land of CRT where racism, white privilege, the oppressors, the oppressed, and "wokeness" live. Critical race theory (CRT, for short) is taking over our nation fast in the most insidious ways. The schools, private companies, federal agencies, and the military all have components of CRT. In 2021, an already trying year for us all, this is the last thing America needs right now. Say goodbye to proficiency in education, caring about people of all races, and non-judgemental experiences throughout your day. Is this the start of a real Marxist society or have we been watching it little by little creep upon us while we were asleep at the wheel? I think so and I think we've all had enough. We have had enough of the so-called authority along with the government telling some people that they are no good because of the color of their skin, whatever it may be, and that we are not created equal. Did you know that? Hmmm... Let's have that conversation about CRT. When you know what critical race theory is you will be empowered with the conviction of what's right and what's wrong. It's your choice what to think. You already know what I think. With that superpower of knowledge, you can talk, debate, and be civil to everybody with no negativity in your conversation. You will then be able to do the best thing ever... use your critical thinking skills to question, learn more, go further, take action, and make important decisions that will set you free. Use my urgent "Call-To-Action" bullet points at the end of the episode to make great changes. Blow up CRT and make it a thing of the past. Taking action has always been the best way to successful results. And now is no different. Question Everything! Christopher Rufu - Critical Race Theory Expert / Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute / Contributing Editor at the City Journal / Film Maker: Tom MacDonald Video, "Brainwashed" In case you want to know more about CRT (many more on amazon): "How To Be An Antiracist by ibram x. kendi: "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo: If you love the content you may consider buying me a cup of coffee! Go to: Are you an advocate for change and a purveyor of truth? I bet you will be after each episode. Listen as I uncover and explore cultural norms, societal issues, stories that must be told of people in places all over the world, and how our justice system has worked or failed. In every episode, you decide which way you want to think. Push that "Subscribe" button and be the first to get notifications of when new episodes come's FREE! *Contact me by email with questions and to give me possible topics: