Oct. 4, 2016

"What Did You Just Ask Me?" - Conversation Ettiquette 101

Episode 11 - "What Did You Just Ask Me?" - Conversation Etiquette 101 In this episode Stephanie gets sassy and tells it like she see's, or rather, hears it. Yep, it is true that starting a conversation with a stranger is never really easy but we all...

Episode 11 - "What Did You Just Ask Me?" - Conversation Etiquette 101 In this episode Stephanie gets sassy and tells it like she see's, or rather, hears it. Yep, it is true that starting a conversation with a stranger is never really easy but we all get through it, some better than others. Stephanie describes what she considers appropriate and inappropriate conversation and starting out on the right foot when meeting a stranger for the first time. She even admits to her own error while having a conversation. Shocking, we know! Of course, this is all Stephanie's own humble opinion but perhaps there's a few things we can all learn here, too. Please visit our website:
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