Episode 56 - What A Week! - Thanksgiving - Black Friday - Shop Local Saturday -Cyber Monday...AND MORE! Helloo...this is Stephanie...Talk, Tales and Trivia... Merry, Merry Christmas! So it's begun. All the Christmas shopping. Driving to out of the way...
Episode 56 - What A Week! - Thanksgiving - Black Friday - Shop Local Saturday -Cyber Monday...AND MORE! Helloo...this is Stephanie...Talk, Tales and Trivia... Merry, Merry Christmas! So it's begun. All the Christmas shopping. Driving to out of the way stores to buy that one glorious gift for that special someone. Well, this week I free wheel it with no script or bullet points but just speak from the heart about this all American week that begins with Thanksgiving. It used to be Black Friday was the big day after Thanksgiving but no more. Yep. The powers that be can't stop adding days to make the shopping go on, and on, and on! So I mention a few neat-o websites that I like for that perfect day for me, Cyber Monday. Follow my lead with the websites mentioned (also linked down below).
Yes. It is fun to sit in front of my computer on Cyber Monday; drinking my forever hot beverage of choice with the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies playing in the background. Could it get much better than that? I think not. But why stop with Cyber Monday? There's even a special day for Tuesday now. And to add to the holiday fun I've even made up a couple of days of my own that I hope will stick for years to come with the general public. We'll just have to wait and see! Oh, we will! Scamper to the kitchen like a little elf and get your favorite hot beverage, sit your weary body down and relax, listen, and enjoy this twice as long episode! Ahhh...now, doesn't that feel good? You know it does. Some Very Important Announcements: *Talk, Tales and Trivia will be coming out with episodes every other week (except for some special Christmas episodes) to give the team more time to do proper research. And this will usually mean a longer episode...so that's good!
*Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl's Imagination is no longer on amazon because Stephanie is hard at work revising it after finding a few small things that needed changing and she is busy making the 2nd edition. It will be re-released in mid to late January. Websites mentioned in this episode: http://www.pulsetv.com/ https://kit-cat.com/ https://www.duluthtrading.com http://vermontcountrystore.com http://amazon.com ALSO...help a girl and her production gang out and push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on don't be a grinch...you know the one) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! Go to our website to listen to past episodes and read Stephanie's fun blog posts:
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