Sept. 1, 2021

We Are Being Brainwashed - Truth Bomb

We Are Being Brainwashed - Truth Bomb

Do you believe you're being brainwashed? Nowadays, I think we all are in one way or another. But not to worry. Your Truth Detective is on the case. Learn with me how to know when you may be vulnerable to brainwashing. The steps to brainwashing are not...

Do you believe you're being brainwashed? Nowadays, I think we all are in one way or another. But not to worry. Your Truth Detective is on the case. Learn with me how to know when you may be vulnerable to brainwashing. The steps to brainwashing are not complex at all. As a matter of fact, all a brainwasher has to do is know a small amount of psychology to begin the process.

  1. Isolation
  2. An attack on self-esteem
  3. Us vs. Them mentality
  4. Blind obedience
  5. And ongoing indoctrination, testing, and repetition to keep you brainwashed.
Then there's the exploration of what being a "follower" is. In the end, the word sheep or "sheeple" comes to mind when we talk about "followers". And after I go down the list on "Do this if you want to be a "sheeple", I ask you to ignore everything I said to do and then do the exact opposite. After all, you are smart and don't fall for these tactics, right? That's the way to real freedom. It's all good. Whatever you decide to do, or say or think is fantastic and it's in the constitution's 1st amendment - freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest is our right as Americans. Don't forget that! We have all the freedom to say and do whatever we want. Links Mentioned In This Episode: Listen to "Brainwashed" by Tom MacDonald: Tom MacDonald - Rapper / Artist: Brainwashing: Signs That You Are Being Brainwashed: Without Even Realizing It (article): Rise Of The American Sheeple: 10 Signs You're A Sheeple (article): Are you an advocate for change and a purveyor of truth? I bet you are... or you will be after each episode. Listen as I uncover and explore cultural norms, societal issues, stories that must be told of people in places all over the world, and how our justice system has worked or failed. In every episode, you decide which way you want to think.  And my call-to-actions are included. Push that "Subscribe" button and be the first to get notifications of when new episodes come's FREE!