Hey, this is Stephanie Lee from Talk, Tales, and Trivia and Growing Uncomfortable podcasts. Did you know that I am a researcher, an aspiring private investigator, and a purveyor of truth? As I watch culture, society, the nation, and the world rapidly...
Hey, this is Stephanie Lee from Talk, Tales, and Trivia and Growing Uncomfortable podcasts. Did you know that I am a researcher, an aspiring private investigator, and a purveyor of truth? As I watch culture, society, the nation, and the world rapidly change every single day, I see the need to change the Talk, Tales, and Trivia podcast. The new name is, Truth Detective. And I am your very own truth detective. I will be uncovering the good, the bad, and the ugly...researching, and questioning everything about culture, society, people, places, our justice system, and corruption in private corporations and government agencies. I will leave no stone unturned. I will bring you feel-good cases discovered and uncovered that have happy endings, but also the sometimes controversial or seemingly conspiratorial topics. I will be giving you the straight facts and evidence... peeling back the truth about topics that get very little, if any, media attention or have not yet been, for some reason, talked about. These topics might leave you asking questions and wanting to know more. It’s great to ask questions. QUESTION EVERYTHING because that’s when the real truth comes out. The evidence is there. The facts and possible solutions are obvious. And I will be giving call-to-actions that you can take away from every episode. Be a part of the Truth Detective movement. Don’t miss an episode of Truth Detective with me, Stephanie. Starting August 9th...QUESTION, EXPLORE, AND UNCOVER. http://truthdetectivepodcast.com FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/truthdetective Email Me: truthdetectivepodcast@gmail.com