Feb. 9, 2024

Trees - Dystopian Stories Series

Trees - Dystopian Stories Series

Trees -  In 2032 a mystery was brewing and our team of investigators and journalists couldn't keep silent.  No matter how the globalists tried to hide this project we were on the case.  I disguised myself as an employee of this bad-actor company to...

Trees -  In 2032 a mystery was brewing and our team of investigators and journalists couldn't keep silent.  No matter how the globalists tried to hide this project we were on the case.  I disguised myself as an employee of this bad-actor company to gather much-needed information on why there was a mission of cutting down and burying the most beautiful and useful resource on earth... trees. With the help of "The Green Resistance" and my detective truth-seeking teammates we unearthed a pet project of the elites and non-governmental organizations.  A dastardly company, with funding from Bill Gates, is cutting down trees and burying them to certainly depopulate the whole planet. We had to solve this mystery about our precious natural resources to get justice for all. Do more research. Find the facts: The company: https://kodama.ai/  TechnologyReview.com: https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/12/15/1065016/a-stealth-effort-to-bury-wood-for-carbon-removal-has-just-raised-millions/   100% Fed Up: https://100percentfedup.com/bill-gates-wants-to-fight-global-warming-by-cutting-down-trees/ with video clips from Epoch Times Zero Hedge: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/climate-activists-seek-save-planet-cutting-burying-trees  Slay News: https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-chop-down-70-million-acres-trees-fight-global-warming/  News Target: https://www.newstarget.com/2023-09-06-gates-to-address-global-warming-by-chopping-trees.html  World Tribune: https://www.worldtribune.com/why-does-bill-gates-want-to-cut-down-and-bury-70-million-acres-of-trees/  **I hope you find these audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-dive research and go down rabbit holes on the stories told in these episodes. The "real truth" is there.  **All in story form, these episodes all have truth behind them but please note that I took certain liberties with the people, places, and events in these stories. Cheers, Stephanie Lee