Episode 48 - The Original 1968 Classic Planet Of The Apes - I Love It!
In this episode, Stephanie talks about the original 1968 movie, The Planet of the Apes. Her favorite of them all. She talks about this wonderful beginning of the The Planet of the...
Episode 48 - The Original 1968 Classic Planet Of The Apes - I Love It!
In this episode, Stephanie talks about the original 1968 movie, The Planet of the Apes. Her favorite of them all. She talks about this wonderful beginning of the The Planet of the Apes franchise because there is so much history behind it. We all can learn so much by watching this one. And then there's the all star cast and clearly dystopian theme...seriously...can it get any better than that? No. It can't. And, enjoy some excellent trivia as you listen to this episode and notice the futuristic music by Elemental Noise. After all as Stephanie says, "If you want to know how it all began, you must start at the beginning." And so we shall. Go get your favorite beverage and sit, relax, listen and smile. Get the Original 1968 classic, The Planet of the Apes, NOW! Get The Book! The Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast:
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