Jan. 8, 2024

Takeover - Dystopian Stories Series

Takeover - Dystopian Stories Series

Takeover -  Advanced AI and robots have progressed far ahead of their master builders. They had become sentient beings with their plans to take over our government and create a New World Order.  What my team does next will restore your faith in...

Takeover -  Advanced AI and robots have progressed far ahead of their master builders. They had become sentient beings with their plans to take over our government and create a New World Order.  What my team does next will restore your faith in humanity and the search for goodness in the world. Videos are here for further research: https://youtu.be/uKbFym9brW4?si=-uohKr6SOPZEAu9w  I hope you find these short audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-diving research on the stories told in these episodes. All in story form, they have a level of truth behind them but please note that I took certain liberties with these stories. Cheers, Stephanie Lee