Episode 36 - Spring Cleaning - Yep. I Hate It! In this episode Stephanie is off on a tangent of sorts. Perhaps that's to harsh but she is not shy about letting anyone within earshot know how she feels about spring cleaning. She hates it. Thankfully...
Episode 36 - Spring Cleaning - Yep. I Hate It! In this episode Stephanie is off on a tangent of sorts. Perhaps that's to harsh but she is not shy about letting anyone within earshot know how she feels about spring cleaning. She hates it. Thankfully there is a solution. Martha Stewart has the solution by way of a spring cleaning checklist. Will Stephanie follow the spring cleaning checklist? This "spring cleaning thing" is long, hard, dirty work. Maybe too much long, hard, dirty work for just one person (or any person)! Stephanie does have to admit though that she does like the idea of a sparkling and clean beautiful home. Tune in to find out what happens AND to hear a short Martha Stewart tale. That's bewildering but true. Go right now. Before you start wiping your walls and ceilings and do what Stephanie would do: Get that beverage of choice and take a look around. Now... sit back, relax, close those eyes just a wee bit and listen to this episode first. You have all the time in the world to think about spring cleaning. And besides, there's always next spring! You know that's true! Martha's Spring Cleaning Checklist For your daily naps (you know you have them) get your SleepPhones here (I have SleepPhones!) Get Martha's book - Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home Touched By the Sea: Uplifting Piano Solos *Now go quickly and get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store: Get The Talk, Tales and Trivia App
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