Jan. 20, 2020

Popcorn For The Super Bowl & Oscars - Perfect Snack

Popcorn For The Super Bowl & Oscars - Perfect Snack

Here I am again with the recently resurrected podcast, Talk, Tales And Trivia. On this episode I talk about one of my favorite snacks. Popcorn comes in many flavors...plain, buttered, caramelized, and bacon (to name some). Discover a few facts and...

Here I am again with the recently resurrected podcast, Talk, Tales And Trivia. On this episode I talk about one of my favorite snacks. Popcorn comes in many flavors...plain, buttered, caramelized, and bacon (to name some). Discover a few facts and trivia about popcorn to stump your guests and get ready for the two main February events. You'll want plenty on hand. It is truly an American staple. Popcorn In Order Of Mention In Episode: Orville Redenbacher Popcorn - Buy It NOW! Cracker Jack - Buy It NOW! Sabiene's Cracker Jack Review On Amazon (Funny) Jiffy Pop - Buy It NOW! The Popcorn Factory - Buy It NOW! J & D's Bacon Popcorn Popcorn For The Super Bowl And Oscars - Perfect Snack - EPISODE TRANSCRIPT ALSO...push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on...you know the button...the one that kind of looks like a weird microphone) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! http://talktalesandtrivia.com Apple Podcasts
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