Sept. 8, 2022

Podcast Movement Kerfuffle - Free And Dissenting Speech

Podcast Movement Kerfuffle - Free And Dissenting Speech

My favorite part of the constitution is the first amendment which our freedom of speech is written about. Without this precious amendment, we wouldn't have the right to speak, share thoughts, and ideas, write books, make movies and art, or anything...

My favorite part of the constitution is the first amendment which our freedom of speech is written about. Without this precious amendment, we wouldn't have the right to speak, share thoughts, and ideas, write books, make movies and art, or anything else. We would be silenced. But what happens when only one ideology or thought is listened to? Confusion, chaos, divisive words, actions, and anger... a lot of anger. I address this issue here in the episode. I tell a story that happened only weeks ago at Podcast Movement 2022 in Dallas, Texas. Suffice it to say, there was a kerfuffle regarding The Daily Wire and the Podcast Movement event and it wasn't pleasant.  This might be "the thing" that brings a lot of questions to the forefront. And dissenting views might, hopefully, bring us together in this divisive world. Please! Remember to be kind to everybody everywhere.  Links in this episode: 'Why We Need Dissenters As Badly As Ever' article: 'Dissent Is The Highest Form Of Patriotism But Not Online' article: The Daily Wire's Message to Podcast Movement (video): I Am Darth Vader - (Ben Shapiro on the Podcast Movement kerfuffle) - The Ben Shapiro Show (video): Dissent meaning - Dissenter defined - Dissent examples (video): Email (feedback always welcomed): Website: