Nefarious Mind Games - This is real. Nefarious mind games on ordinary citizens, like you and me, are being played out right now. Except like most games, it's not fun. The "global landscape of evil" means serious business when getting inside your...
Nefarious Mind Games - This is real. Nefarious mind games on ordinary citizens, like you and me, are being played out right now. Except like most games, it's not fun. The "global landscape of evil" means serious business when getting inside your head. They want to change your thoughts, your actions, and your autonomy to bend to their agenda. Whether it be changing your mind on voting, your stance on the First and Second Amendments, if you'll eat bugs, participate in fighting with friends, family, or neighbors, or changing your mind on SMART cities. It doesn't matter to those awful entities. They are evil devils with no redeeming qualities. They think they have it all figured out and have been utilizing this maneuver for longer than you think but we are smart, too. We have finally figured them out and are exposing who they are. Don't believe anyone. Don't trust anyone. Become informed. Be a "Truth Detective" and QUESTION EVERYTHING! That's when the REAL truth comes out! For more research: Kevin - WE THE PEOPLE on X @bambkb: LondonReal with host, Brian Rose - Guest Eric Hecker: Voice to Skull Technology: Your Ethical Guide to V2K - 2024: United Nations Patents Research - (put patent # into Google search to find out what they don't want you to know): Wikipedia - Direct Energy Weapons: **I hope you find these audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-dive research and go down rabbit holes on the stories told in these episodes. The "real truth" is there. **All in story form, these episode topics have the truth within the storyline but please note that I took liberties and creative license with the names, people, pseudonyms, places, and events for a better storytelling experience. Cheers, Stephanie Lee