Jan. 15, 2020

My Prediction - Joker Movie Is Oscar Gold

My Prediction - Joker Movie Is Oscar Gold

Here I am again with the recently resurrected podcast, Talk, Tales And Trivia. On this episode I talk about my prediction for the Oscar awards. And it's no joke. See this movie prior to the Oscars to see why it will win. Best Motion Picture - Joker...

Here I am again with the recently resurrected podcast, Talk, Tales And Trivia. On this episode I talk about my prediction for the Oscar awards. And it's no joke. See this movie prior to the Oscars to see why it will win. Best Motion Picture - Joker Best Actor in a Leading Male Role - Joaquin Phoenix (in Joker) ALSO...push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on...you know the button...the one that kind of looks like a weird microphone) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! Joker Movie Is Oscar Gold EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Apple Podcasts
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