If you haven't read the book, 1984 by George Orwell, maybe you ought to really soon. We have a new group at the Department of Homeland Security. The administration is having a tough time deciding on a title... is it the Governance of Truth......
If you haven't read the book, 1984 by George Orwell, maybe you ought to really soon. We have a new group at the Department of Homeland Security. The administration is having a tough time deciding on a title... is it the Governance of Truth... Disinformation Board? The Department of Disinformation and what exactly are they doing and watching for? I'll tell you what I think they're doing in this episode. 1984 by George Orwell is a whole different way of looking at life...dystopian, nightmarish, less free, more work... in a nutshell... totalitarian. The authority... the ruling class... the inner party... it seems that you must speak in quiet mumbling whispers, always afraid of Big Brother whose eyes are watching you at every turn. Keep to yourself. Don't think. Don't speak. Don't write. Do what you are told and everything may be okay. Just don't show dissent and if you do... they tell you that you are in serious trouble. And when that happens the torture that you thought was the worst gets even more intense and all for having something called a thought-crime. Psychological and physical tough-guy tactics are the name of the game. Enjoy the wonders of what we have now... it may change quickly! And remember... You can not escape a prison if you know don't know you're in one. Links in this episode: Read all about CISA (Cybersecurity, Infrastructure, and Security Agency and how you can be a part of their bigger picture :( https://www.cisa.gov/ Get a little more perspective on the book, 1984 and CISA by clicking on these links below: https://bookanalysis.com/george-orwell/1984/ https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/there-is-no-ministry-of-truth-minister-of-truth-confirms/ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/01/mayorkas-defends-dhs-disinformation-board-00029182?_amp=true https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-immigration-media-europe-misinformation-4e873389889bb1d9e2ad8659d9975e9d https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/the-biden-administrations-disinformation-board-is-a-tool-straight-from-soviet-russias-kgb/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mayorkas-dhs-disinformation-governance-board https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/an-ap-fact-checker-auditions-for-bidens-disinformation-board_4455873.html?utm_campaign=app-cc&utm_source=ref_share Website: http://truthdetectivepodcast.com Email: truthdetectivepodcast@gmail.com