Well, finally it is spring. I don't know about you but this is exciting news to me. Here I talk about hope and enjoyment. It is in my opinion that mostly all of us can't wait to get outside, be with the people, eat together, go to the beach together,...
Well, finally it is spring. I don't know about you but this is exciting news to me. Here I talk about hope and enjoyment. It is in my opinion that mostly all of us can't wait to get outside, be with the people, eat together, go to the beach together, go to movies together, walk next to each other, do everything together. I talk about activist, Jane Jacobs and how she has made an everlasting difference. She believed in the power of fresh air and neighborhoods, communities with parks, and other outdoor activities that bring people great joy and life. I love to know that this spring everyone will be once again united... enjoying the beautiful communities, towns, and cities that we know and love. There will be no more bleakness, depression, and hopelessness. Only goodness and fun I wish for you and your family and friends. Thank you for listening to this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. If you love the content you may consider buying me a cup of coffee! Go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stephlee Get up to speed on some interesting and enlightening facts about our society, culture, pop culture, history, and a smidgen of trivia. Feel the sweet smell of enlightened success as you stump your family and friends with your knowledge. It's so much fun! Push that "Subscribe" button and be the first to get notifications of when new episodes come out...it's FREE! Get My book: Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl's Imagination by (ME!) Stephanie Lee - https://amzn.to/2KXZDaj Talk, Tales and Trivia website - http://talktalesandtrivia.com Apple Podcasts
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