Episode 53 - Libraries And Ben Franklin
Help A Girl Out (that would be me) And Push That PURPLE BUTTON On Your iPhone To SUBSCRIBE Or SUBSCRIBE Via Apple Podcasts (iTunes)
Helloo, This is Stephanie...Talk, Tales and Trivia! In this episode I have...
Episode 53 - Libraries And Ben Franklin
Help A Girl Out (that would be me) And Push That PURPLE BUTTON On Your iPhone To SUBSCRIBE Or SUBSCRIBE Via Apple Podcasts (iTunes)
Helloo, This is Stephanie...Talk, Tales and Trivia! In this episode I have so much to talk about and many tales! Exciting times are here as I detail a chat I have with my Aunt and talk about libraries and who discovered them (The hint is in the title). I also have some beautiful raves. As I say lately...rants are fun but raves are SO much better. Don't you agree? In the 1st rave I talk (ramble on) about how it's been an incredibly busy and challenging week...that's where the kindness of others comes in. Yes...they are bright stars in my book (Ahhh...my book...Southpaw: A Tale About A Girl's Imagination)
And another bright (and quite handsome) star is discussed in the 2nd rave. YES! I love him! You have to listen to find out who it is, though. (Hint: "Lonestar barbeque sauce. The perfect partner for your chicken.") You know what to do in this autumnal season...get that hot drink of cider (or whatever you prefer) and set yourself down for this twice as long episode. I've missed you! Things mentioned in this episode (use these links below to get right to the action): Southpaw: A Tale About A Girl's Imagination by Yours Truly (me)! Breakfast at Tiffany's What a great movie...Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia O'Neil, Buddy Epson The Hero What a great movie! Our websites:
http://talktalesandtrivia.com http://thesouthpawbook.com iTunes/Apple Podcasts
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