Yes. I got canceled off of twitter two years ago. And worse... I don't even know what I did. It had to be pretty major but I am still waiting for their answer. Here on this episode I talk about "Cancel Culture" and who does it and how wrong and...
Yes. I got canceled off of twitter two years ago. And worse... I don't even know what I did. It had to be pretty major but I am still waiting for their answer. Here on this episode I talk about "Cancel Culture" and who does it and how wrong and shameful it is. It is definitely "Un-American". Freedom of speech is being attacked with cancel culture primarily by the people who have different ideologies than those being canceled. The school kids, adults... celebrities, politicians, musicians, podcasters... no one is above reproach. Except maybe a few handful of so-called great elites. Listen to hear audio from Chris Rock, Will Witt, Tom MacDonald and more. You will go away knowing much more about what "Cancel Culture" is and what you must do to NOT get canceled with one very serious "Call-To-Action" that you must take like it or not. Links to this episode: Will Witt About Cancel Culture - AJ+ - "What 'Cancel Culture' Ignores About Free Speech" - Chris Rock / Cancel culture is a wrecking Ball with MSNBC and Kennedy "Cancelled" song by Tom MacDonald - Tom MacDonald - The Biggest Music Industry Screw Job Ever Part 1 - The Biggest Music Industry Screw Job Ever Part 2 - Let me know what you think!