March 4, 2017

I Have Nostalgic Moments - And So Do You

I Have Nostalgic Moments - And So Do You

Episode 32 - I Have Nostalgic Moments - And So Do You In this episode Stephanie talks about some of her nostalgic moments. We all have them and most of them are good and some, well, are bittersweet. They are inevitable.
Stephanie chooses to look on...

Episode 32 - I Have Nostalgic Moments - And So Do You In this episode Stephanie talks about some of her nostalgic moments. We all have them and most of them are good and some, well, are bittersweet. They are inevitable.
Stephanie chooses to look on the bright side of these moments usually and it all seems to work out okay for her. Have you ever had a nostalgic moment that you hope will never go away? There's always a reason behind those moments even if we can't immediately put our finger on that reason. And really just about anything can trigger nostalgia as we explore in this episode Run, don't walk, and make that beautiful beverage. Sit, relax, listen and maybe reflect on a nostalgic moment you've had. It's all good! Here are two items that might be interesting: The Memory Book By Harry Lorayne & Jerry Lucas "Can't Help Falling In Love" Elvis Presley (download the song) *Now get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store:
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*Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below:
Cartoonr page on *Intro/Outro music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better (250 submits needed!): Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast:
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