Episode 54 - Home Is Where The Heart Is - My Cozy Little Nest In A Big City Help a girl out (that would be me) and push that nice PURPLE button on your iPhone to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW (as long as it's a 4-5 star...woot-woot!). Helloo...this is...
Episode 54 - Home Is Where The Heart Is - My Cozy Little Nest In A Big City Help a girl out (that would be me) and push that nice PURPLE button on your iPhone to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW (as long as it's a 4-5 star...woot-woot!). Helloo...this is Stephanie...Talk, Tales and Trivia In this episode Stephanie details her big move from a lackluster house in a town to a wonderful apartment in a nearby city. She finds it fun, exciting and, as one of her tales tells, a little embarrassing, too! Yikes! After having all the beautiful people that have come to help Stephanie make her apartment a cozy little nest, she is feeling right at home. She explains it all...including the nice echo effect in this here episode that is still a work in progress. "Home is where the heart is" and Stephanie thinks that is very true! To celebrate raise your overflowing coffee mug (what Stephanie has had to live on working around the clock) way up high and give Stephanie a great big "Cheers" for being a successful empowering woman who did this...
all on her own. Of course, Stephanie wishes to acknowledge the kindness of new friends, new acquaintances and a dear friend...Sue P., I'm talking about you...for their help and great advise! Dorothy was right, "There is no place like home." Well, I'm home, baby! Yee-Haa! Our website:
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