Feb. 8, 2018

Groundhog(s) Day - Yes!...Plural - BTW, There's Been More Than One Groundhog!

Groundhog(s) Day - Yes!...Plural - BTW, There's Been More Than One Groundhog!

Episode 60! - Groundhog(s) Day - Yes!...Plural - BTW, There's Been More Than One Groundhog! Helloo...this is Stephanie...Talk, Tales, and Trivia On this episode we talk about Groundhog Day and all the glorious history behind this holiday of sorts....

Episode 60! - Groundhog(s) Day - Yes!...Plural - BTW, There's Been More Than One Groundhog! Helloo...this is Stephanie...Talk, Tales, and Trivia On this episode we talk about Groundhog Day and all the glorious history behind this holiday of sorts. Take note though, to make groundhog a singular word doesn't seem very fair to all of the groundhogs that have participated in Groundhog Day throughout the years. Join me as I explore this most quirky of all the days we celebrate as a country. And, perhaps, you may want to plan a trip to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to meet "Punxsutawney Phil"...the 119 year old groundhog! Not really. They don't fool me. There have been others and so I call it Groundhogs Day. Also in this episode I make a rave and some other interesting announcements. Go now...to your kitchen and make some tea with honey to soothe your soul and cuddle up to listen to this 60th episode of Talk, Tales and Trivia. http://groundhog.org A Very Important Announcement: *Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl's Imagination is no longer on amazon because I am hard at work revising it after finding a few small things that needed changing and so I am busy making the 2nd edition. It will be re-released in March. ALSO...help a girl and her production gang out and push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on...you know the button) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! Go to our website to listen to past episodes and read Stephanie's fun blog posts:
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