July 18, 2021

Going Keto = Healthy Organic Eating With Tons Of Benefits

Going Keto = Healthy Organic Eating With Tons Of Benefits

Do you know what keto means? It's not a new thing... it has more than just a few elements to it that have been around forever but it was in the 1990's it came into popularity.  Learn the facts and benefits of converting to a healthy organic...

Do you know what keto means? It's not a new thing... it has more than just a few elements to it that have been around forever but it was in the 1990's it came into popularity.  Learn the facts and benefits of converting to a healthy organic keto-eating lifestyle that will change your way of thinking and your body. Healthy, cleaner and better outcomes are headed your way with the keto lifestyle. Keto done correctly does take tenacity, willpower, dedication, and the knowledge that will benefit you in all areas of your life. A couple of years ago it saved me from a life that was unhappy and unhealthy. I was headed toward a life that did not promote health and well-being. And one day I woke up sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's easy once you know the "secret sauce" and bonus you don't feel like you are giving up anything. Those favorite foods that you once thought you could not live without, are no longer an issue. I hope you enjoy this episode and look for the next episode on another key component to a healthy lifestyle.  Healthy Keto & Intermittent Fasting - A Simple Overview by Dr. Eric Berg - https://amzn.to/3z5atz1 Body Macro Calculator - Ratios for your own body type - Fats/Protein/Carbs https://www.ketoconnect.net/calculator/ Dr. Berg - YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/drericberg123 Dr. Sten Ekberg - YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/drekberg Thomas DeLauer - YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTdelauer Ketogenic Diet - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketogenic_diet If you love the content you may consider buying me a cup of coffee!  Go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stephlee Get up to speed on some interesting and enlightening facts about our society, culture, pop culture, history, and a smidgen of trivia. Feel the sweet smell of enlightened success as you stump your family and friends with your knowledge. It's so much fun! Push that "Subscribe" button and be the first to get notifications of when new episodes come out...it's FREE! Get my book: Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl's Imagination by (ME!) Stephanie Lee - https://amzn.to/2KXZDaj Talk, Tales and Trivia website - http://talktalesandtrivia.com/site Apple Podcasts
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