Have you seen the Seinfeld episode "The Strike"? Well, if not, you will want to after this episode. it's is a classic one, for sure. It is in this episode that we learn about the holiday, Festivus, for the rest of us. It's not your typical, cheerful...
Have you seen the Seinfeld episode "The Strike"? Well, if not, you will want to after this episode. it's is a classic one, for sure. It is in this episode that we learn about the holiday, Festivus, for the rest of us. It's not your typical, cheerful holiday but if you want to tell your friends and family how you really feel about them and air some grievances about how much they have annoyed you throughout the year or let you down then this is your kind of celebration. Gather your family and friends for this holiday, of sorts. They will never forget it. And hey, don't worry, you can always make new friends. Another side note here, sorry to say this but your family is always going to be your family so don't be so hard on them. Get up to speed on some interesting and enlightening facts about our society, culture, pop culture, and a smidgen of trivia. Feel the sweet smell of enlightened success as you stump your family and friends with your knowledge. It's so much fun! Push that "Subscribe" button and be the first to get notifications of when new episodes come out...it's FREE! Links and products for this episode: Festivus Long-Sleeve Tee Shirt - https://amzn.to/38yiote Get My book: Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl's Imagination by (ME!) Stephanie Lee - https://amzn.to/2KXZDaj Talk, Tales and Trivia website - http://talktalesandtrivia.com Apple Podcasts
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