Feb. 18, 2017

Daydream Your Visions - Vision Your Daydreams

Daydream Your Visions - Vision Your Daydreams

Episode 30!! - Daydream Your Visions - Vision Your Daydreams Stephanie is so excited about the 30th episode...it's been a long time coming - well just about 30 weeks! No big deal, right? Wrong! You, our listeners, have made Talk, Tales and Trivia what...

Episode 30!! - Daydream Your Visions - Vision Your Daydreams Stephanie is so excited about the 30th episode...it's been a long time coming - well just about 30 weeks! No big deal, right? Wrong! You, our listeners, have made Talk, Tales and Trivia what it is today. We would not be here if it weren't for you. So here is our 30th; an episode on daydreaming or visioning, if you wish. Yes, not only has Stephanie daydreamed about her house on the beach (as mentioned in the episode) but, she is a bit shy to admit that, she has also daydreamed and visioned about having this here podcast become a reality, too. Whatever your daydreams are don't let anyone stop you from having them. When you see your daydreams (visions) fall into place you will have only yourself to thank. Now...drift dreamily into that kitchen of yours and make that beverage of choice. Sit down, relax and listen to this episode and daydream a wonderful life. Good books to buy by Michael Pollan (as quoted in this episode): A Place of My Own: The Education of an Amateur Builder A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams *Now get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store:
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*Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below:
Cartoonr page on fiverr.com *Intro/Outro music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better (250 submits needed!):
https://survey.libsyn.com/talktalesandtrivia Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast:
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