Oct. 26, 2018

Comfort Zone? Not Really But Trying - Eating Better - QUEEN - Very Exciting ;)

Comfort Zone? Not Really But Trying - Eating Better - QUEEN - Very Exciting ;)

Episode 74- Comfort Zone? Not Really But Trying - Eating Better - QUEEN - Very Exciting ;) Hello...I am here. “Are you ready, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?” Another One Bites The Dust by Queen In this episode I talk...

Episode 74- Comfort Zone? Not Really But Trying - Eating Better - QUEEN - Very Exciting ;) Hello...I am here. “Are you ready, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?” Another One Bites The Dust by Queen In this episode I talk about a lot of things. My discomfort about getting out of my comfort zone, and living In the now. Yes. I talk about Winnie a bit and how we all have to change to be able to grow. My change in my eating habits and, of course, Queen.  Then there’s you know what...the Bohemian Rhapsody movie official coming out celebration earlier this week on Carneby Street in London. And guess what? I snagged a ticket for next Thursday night at my nearby theater. Woot-Woot! A trivia contest and more. This is the one you don’t want to miss. Go get yourself a cup of hot tea with milk (like the English do) and some tea cookies.  Let’s Do This! Queen At Live Aid - July 13, 1985 - best performance EVER! http://www.queenonlinestore.com/Get Official Queen Merchandise Only! Don’t Buy The Fake Merch! Calling All Podcasters - Ever Want To Edit Podcasts? Click Here For More Info! Keto Connect Channel On YouTube! Cute “Keto Couple” talking about the keto diet! Good Information. TraENT YouTube Reaction Video “We Are The Champions” Live...give him some love! Get Southpaw: A Tale About A Girl's Imagination
by Stephanie Lee RIGHT HERE! ALSO...help a girl and her production gang out and push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on...you know the button...the one that kind of looks like a weird microphone) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! Apple Podcasts
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