Jan. 25, 2022

Beijing Winter "Genocide" Olympics 2022 - Fact!

Beijing Winter

February 4th is the date... mark it in your calendar. The day that the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 officially begins. All the athletes are ready. The olympic village has been built along with the areas where the different winter sports will take...

February 4th is the date... mark it in your calendar. The day that the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 officially begins. All the athletes are ready. The olympic village has been built along with the areas where the different winter sports will take place.  There's only a few things missing... can you guess what they are? Human rights, humanitarian compassion, empathy, love, and care for those Chinese individuals that have been left out in the cold (no pun intended)... forgotten by most countries in the west... the crimes of genocide through and by way of torture, prison time, forced labor, child labor, hunger, and sterilization (just to name some) all coming from the same place; the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In this episode I will first talk about the 1936 Berlin Olympics and how it correlates to the Beijing winter Olympics 2022. Because of the atrocities, persecution, and genocide of some religious groups, there is obvious connection to the two countries and the leaders, Adolf Hitler and Xi Jinping.  Then I move into talking about the many different and difficult situations that most Chinese people have to live with every day. But no person suffers more than the religious groups within the country. I will highlight three groups that have been in the news. All are suffering with the same fate, and it's not good. Some prisoners beg for death... and most get their wish.  Also mentioned is what the CCP requires the U.S. athletes do to even be allowed to compete without having severe complications. It's a sad story but there are things that can be done. And it all starts with understanding, questioning, and action. And you can make all the difference! Links in this episode: United States Memoriam Holocaust Museum - "Winter Games In Berlin": https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/olympic-games-in-berlin?parent=en%2F7139 Business Insider article - "China Hires Influencers To Boost Image": https://www.businessinsider.com/china-hires-influencers-to-boost-image-before-2022-winter-olympics-2022- Real Clear Politics - "Boycott The Beijing Olympics": https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/01/18/boycott_the_beijing_olympics_147050.html  American Military News - "French Parliament Calls Uyghur Persecution a Genocide": https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/01/french-parliament-calls-uyghur-persecution-a-genocide/ The Epoch Times - "Beijing Sentences Falon Gong Practitioner To Eight Years In Prison": https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/beijing-sentences-falun-gong-practitioner-to-8-years-in-prison-just-two-weeks-before-olympics_4225016.html?v=ul Truth Detective - Episode on "The Persecution Of Falon Gong": https://truthdetectivepodcast.com/falun-gong-has-a-problem  Time - "Prison Sentence For Pastor Shows China Feels Threatened By Spread Of Christianity": https://time.com/5757591/wang-yi-prison-sentence-china-christianity/  The Verge - "US Athletes Told To...