Episode 70 - A Wee Bit Of Labor Day History
Stephanie Here...Talk, Tales and Trivia! Today's Labor Day here in the United States but perhaps it's more historic than you know. I had no idea!
Sit back with a warm beverage and relax as you listen to...
Episode 70 - A Wee Bit Of Labor Day History
Stephanie Here...Talk, Tales and Trivia! Today's Labor Day here in the United States but perhaps it's more historic than you know. I had no idea!
Sit back with a warm beverage and relax as you listen to this rather short episode about Labor Day. And don't worry, we'll be back with are usual longer episode on Wednesday. It's a good one! Get Southpaw: A Tale About A Girl's Imagination
by Stephanie Lee RIGHT HERE! ALSO...help a girl and her production gang out and push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come on...you know the button...the one that kind of looks like a weird microphone) to SUBSCRIBE or REVIEW! Apple Podcasts
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