Everybody has a couple of bad habits or lives with someone that does. But what's a bad habit to one person may not be so bad to another person. If it's a close family member that "needs correcting" of this said bad habit it's a hard task to change...
Everybody has a couple of bad habits or lives with someone that does. But what's a bad habit to one person may not be so bad to another person. If it's a close family member that "needs correcting" of this said bad habit it's a hard task to change them. And will you be able to really, without hard feelings and confrontation? Just asking. In this episode, I talk about bad habits that others have and, more importantly, the bad habits that you have acquired and want to, perhaps, change. It's the tenacity and a desire to see yourself living your best life right now that will make it happen. Do the 21-day exercise and watch what happens. It's all good. Find out some enlightening information. You'll be delighted to know that there are solutions and opportunities within your own life and experiences while you make your way through this crazy world we are now living in. To have a more productive life in this ever-changing world listen to this episode. Get your dreams, desires, and results that you want. It's easy once you have the 411. SUBSCRIBE TO GROWING UNCOMFORTABLE - It's FREE, FREE, FREE! Get my book! Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl’s Imagination - Much thanks and appreciation! https://amzn.to/33Z9lkq Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz - BUY IT NOW! https://amzn.to/33dxHWv Go to the website to listen to past episodes, find out more about me, and get to social media links: http://growinguncomfortable.com/ Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/growing-uncomfortable/id1457646546 Spotify: https://growinguncomfortable.libsyn.com/spotify Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growing_uncomfortable/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrowingUncomfo1 FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGrowingUncomfortable/?modal=admin_todo_tour *Contact: growinguncomfortable@gmail.com ALSO: Go to Talk, Tales, and Trivia ( http://talktalesandtrivia.com ), to listen to this podcast about culture, society, pop culture, and trivia. Have fun with your family and friends with enlightening topics and some great trivia. It's so much fun! AND...push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone to SUBSCRIBE! Apple Podcasts
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