Feb. 24, 2021

Every Day In Every Way - The "Coué Method"

Every Day In Every Way - The

Who is Emil Coué? Great Question. It was in 1922 that the small book, "Self-Mastery Through Conscious Auto Suggestion" was published 1922. And Emil Coué made a name for himself. Learn about the "Coué Method" and famous phrase (also known as the mantra...

Who is Emil Coué? Great Question. It was in 1922 that the small book, "Self-Mastery Through Conscious Auto Suggestion" was published 1922. And Emil Coué made a name for himself. Learn about the "Coué Method" and famous phrase (also known as the mantra or affirmation in later years) that covers just about all ailments, pains, difficulties, and problems.  There's only one thing and that is this (here comes the caveat): You must really believe what you are saying is, with no doubt, true. If you can do that and have the discipline to use it as prescribed and have plenty of faith then you are on your way to a great healing and a fantastic life. As my mentor has always said, "Your way isn't working so why not try mine?" So try the "Coué Method" now! Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy the episode! Links for this episode:  Self-Mastery Through Conscious Auto Suggestion - https://www.amazon.com/Self-Mastery-Through-Conscious-Autosuggestion/dp/1420928163/ref=sr_1_2?crid=GPZCXJQNPJB&dchild=1&keywords=emile+coue+self+mastery+through+conscious+autosuggestion&qid=1614372776&sprefix=emil+cou%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-2 If you love the content you may consider buying me a cup of coffee!  Go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stephlee This technique and all the topics I talk about take tenacity and a desire to see yourself living your best life right now and that is exactly what will make great things happen. Whatever you do, don't give up and always believe that the impossible is not impossible. It is only your thinking that makes it so. To have a more productive life in this ever-changing world listen to this episode. Get your dreams, desires, and results that you want. It's easy once you have the 411. *And no matter what, always remember what I've always said about this world, "Everything has to do with Everything." The simplest innocuous activity you do will affect another person, and maybe that other person is across the street, in another city, on the other side of the globe, OR not even born yet. The implications of your actions weigh heavy on you.  At the beginning of this year, 2021, I challenged myself using the great number seven. Do your very own seven-day challenge. The number seven is great for attracting things to you! Involve the number seven as much as you can because the number seven invokes that great law of the universe, The Law of Attraction.  1. Think of seven actions you can take and do that action for seven minutes/days/weeks. The more you involve the number seven the better it gets. 2. Make an affirmation whether it be a word or a sentence that's positive and write that affirmation seven times a day for seven days. 3. Sit quietly for seven minutes (set your timer) and think of what you want and/or how you see yourself in this world receiving what you want, pretending that you already have it. Make sure it's a good thing. Do this for seven days. 4. Do a creative and exciting action that is going to move you closer to your goal. For me, I want to be a successful podcaster in my genre so I will do an episode every day for seven days.  5. Make it fun and not a chore. The Number 7 - Gail Minogue (YouTube Video) - https://youtu.be/icS6nrl1zII SUBSCRIBE TO GROWING UNCOMFORTABLE - It's FREE, FREE, FREE! Get my book! Southpaw - A Tale About A Girl’s Imagination - Much thanks and appreciation! https://amzn.to/33Z9lkq Go to the website to listen to...