In this episode I tell a current story about Podcast Movement that happened August 12-17. My feelings about being at this huge podcasting event with 2800 attendees? Hmmm…you must listen to find out. But it turns out it’s not such a scary thing. Yes it...
In this episode I tell a current story about Podcast Movement that happened August 12-17. My feelings about being at this huge podcasting event with 2800 attendees? Hmmm…you must listen to find out. But it turns out it’s not such a scary thing. Yes it is slightly overwhelming but there is a solution. And the beauty of it is it is available for you to use at any time. Almost like snapping your fingers and turning things around that fast. An Introvert (Me) At Podcast Movement TRANSCRIPT you² by Price Pritchett / Quoted on this episode you² (Audio Version) by Price Pritchett / Quoted on this episode Get MY Book – Southpaw – A Tale About A Girl’s Imagination *This episode, as with all my episodes, is my opinion and the content is based on 40+ years of hard-core learning and experience. I am not a doctor. Please advise a doctor or a professional on any tips, or suggestions that I talk about in this podcast.* FaceBook – Comfortably Uncomfortable Podcast Instagram – cu_podcast Twitter – @getting_cu Email me –
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