April 2, 2018

Inspiration for Millions of People | Ryan Hudson Peralta

Inspiration for Millions of People | Ryan Hudson Peralta

Good morning and welcome to the new Caffeinated Motivation! I'm Bryan-David Scott, The Coffee Chef! Caffeinated Motivation is the hottest power podcast on-air! A daily quad-shot of encouragement, inspiration and motivation to go for your dreams, and...

Good morning and welcome to the new Caffeinated Motivation! I'm Bryan-David Scott, The Coffee Chef! Caffeinated Motivation is the hottest power podcast on-air! A daily quad-shot of encouragement, inspiration and motivation to go for your dreams, and pursue what you are passionate about. I search the world over to find the greatest inspirational stories so that I can harness them into sound bites to share with you. I had a great show lined out for today's debut of caffeinated Motivation, but as I went into the studio I was checking my Instagram when I discovered Ryan Hudson Peralta. This guy epitomizes what a Champion is. Indefatigable. Unstoppable. A man of the people. A man who, despite overwhelming odds has taken the high road and become an inspiration for millions of people. He is an example of a hero among us. This is his story: [ https://youtu.be/oIrU3U_7HXw ] Wow. That was total awesomeness. Some questions for you. What is your dream? What are you passionate about? What are you doing -- what actions are you taking -- to make it happen? I love what Eric Taylor wisely stated: When you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe you will make it happen. Find what you are passionate about, what you want in your life then spend every hour, every minute you have in relentless pursuit of it! I will add to this by sharing with you that often it is the people we love that become the first to discourage you to go for it because they believe they are protecting you -- you don't let people stop you! Don't allow circumstances you. Become the success you want to be! You can do it! Today's show was made possible by Nike. Just do it! Nike's mission statement is "To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world." The legendary University of Oregon track and field coach, and Nike co-founder, Bill Bowerman said, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." Special shoutout to Ryan Hudson Peralta! Thank you for grinding hard everyday to live the life you want. For not letting people or circumstances stop you. For being a man of the people. I know one day soon I will have the honor of calling you my friend. You are a Champion, bro. You have my greatest respect. Join me tomorrow when I will be introducing another powerhouse that knows what it means to twist defeat into victory. This is Bryan-David Scott, The Coffee Chef! Wherever you are, whatever you are going through, you have the power to make your dreams come true. You can have the life you want. Be humble. Be kind. Rock hard! I'm out! #CaffeinatedMotivation #RyanHudsonPeralta #YouTube #Spreaker #SoundCloud #Instagram #Life #Grateful #DreamsComeTrue #NeverQuit #AlwaysBelieve #BryanDavidScott