Feb. 5, 2017

February 5, 2017 - Super Bowl 51 -Coach Vince Lombardi

February 5, 2017 - Super Bowl 51 -Coach  Vince Lombardi

This show is dedicated to a friend of mine that many of you know … Mike Ricker. Fans affectionately call him -- THE RICKER. Former rock DJ at Seattle's great rock station, KISW. Ricker, you bad a**. My friend, my broskie. Thank you. You inspired me to...

This show is dedicated to a friend of mine that many of you know … Mike Ricker. Fans affectionately call him -- THE RICKER. Former rock DJ at Seattle's great rock station, KISW. Ricker, you bad a**. My friend, my broskie. Thank you. You inspired me to pursue radio. You encouraged me to be the best I can be. Always. I appreciate you, gangster.

Score was 21 - 3, Falcons killing the Patriots when I stepped away to hit the studio. This is one of the more intense super bowls I've seen since the Sea Hawks gave it away two years ago.

When I think about a league of Champions there is a huge list of great athletes that I think of. Having to choose 1 for this show was not easy, but one man stands above all others to me. That man is Coach Vince Lombardi. A man that ate, breathed, drank, and knew winning.
[ROLL FIRST AUDIO] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gKb_mY0tUQ

I am a former champion boxer. My approach to life to this day is patterned after my way of thinking before I stepped into the ring, while I was in the fight, and breathing the air after I won. Sure, I lost some fights. I lost bad, but like other champions before me said, "you had the guts to get in the ring which is more than most will ever do. Losing the fight does not make you a loser. You got up when you could have stayed down. You fought with heart, passion, and great effort. You never really lose the title champion."
Today's message was brought to you by a new brand that is special to me. From out of Beverly Hills, California comes a luxury brand that caters to the stars. Imagine a celebrity Chef partnering with a great Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon to do house calls. You got it. Dr. Sal and I have partnered to bring the world CHEF MED. The first of its kind, we make house calls. While Dr. Sal is managing patient care, I am preparing exquisite food and specialty drinks. CHEF MED rolls out in Hollywood on February 23 during a private Academy Awards event we are serving at. WHATEVER YOUR DREAM IS … GO FOR IT WITH RELENTLESS PASSION AND CHASE IT UNTIL YOU OWN IT!
From the Bryan-David Scott studios in Sonoma, CA this is me reminding you that if you can dream it, you can do it! Do let people or circumstances stop you. Go for it! Raising a cup of luxury to you in celebration of life, family, friends and success! I'm out.
#SuperBowl51 #VinceLombardi #Championship #Champion #BryanDavidScott #TheCoffeeChef #Win #Spreaker #ChefMed #DrSal #Ricker